Criminal Defense

Facing the System: Why Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney Matters

Being charged with a crime can be a terrifying and confusing experience. The legal system is complex, the stakes are high, and navigating it alone can feel impossible. This is where a criminal defense attorney like Scott becomes your crucial ally. Here’s why hiring one is essential:

Protecting Your Rights: You have fundamental rights, like the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Scott is an experienced attorney that understands these rights intimately and ensures they’re upheld throughout the process. Scott can help prevent self-incrimination, challenge unlawful searches or seizures, and ensure fair treatment.

Building a Strong Defense: Criminal defense attorneys are experts in their field. Scott will meticulously analyze the evidence, identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and craft a robust defense strategy tailored to your specific situation. This could involve gathering witness testimonies, uncovering exculpatory evidence, or challenging the validity of the charges.

Negotiating a Plea Bargain: In many cases, a plea bargain can be a viable option. Scott has the experience and skill to negotiate with the prosecution on your behalf, potentially securing a reduced charge, lighter sentence, or even dismissal of the case. Scott will ensure you understand the terms fully before you agree to anything.

Trial Representation: If your case goes to trial, having a skilled attorney by your side is paramount. Scott will manage every aspect of trial, from jury selection and witness cross-examination to presenting evidence and delivering compelling arguments.

Beyond the Courtroom: The impact of a criminal charge extends far beyond the courtroom. Scott will advise you on potential collateral consequences, such as job loss, housing issues, or immigration problems. Scott can also help you navigate the complexities of parole, probation, and other post-conviction matters.

Peace of Mind: Facing criminal charges can be incredibly stressful. Scott takes on the legal burden, allowing you to focus on your well-being and preparing for what’s ahead. Scott will provide constant support, guidance, and clear communication, keeping you informed and involved at every step.

Seeking legal counsel is crucial when facing criminal charges. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Scott for personalized guidance and representation.

Sentencing Ranges

Each criminal charge is classified by number (felonies) or letter (misdemeanors). The possible sentences and fines are listed below.


Level Sentence Range Advisory Sentence Fine
Murder 45-65 years 55 years Up to $10,000
Level 1 20-40 years 30 years Up to $10,000
Level 2 10-30 years 17.5 years Up to $10,000
Level 3 3-16 years 9 years Up to $10,000
Level 4 2-12 years 6 years Up to $10,000
Level 5 1-6 years 3 years Up to $10,000
Level 6 0.5-2.5 years 1 year Up to $10,000


Level Sentence Range Fine
A 0-365 days Up to $5,000
B 0-180 days Up to $1,000
C 0-60 days Up to $500

Credit Time (Good Time Credit)

In most cases, you will only serve a portion of your executed sentence. How much time you will serve depends on the level of the offense, whether you are a credit restricted felon, and whether you violate a rule of the correctional facility or jail where you are serving your sentence. You will not receive any good time credit for any portion of your sentence that is suspended to probation.

Credit Class Applies To Description Example
Class A Level 6 Felonies and Misdemeanors One day of credit for every day imprisoned or con1ned while awaiting trial. If you are sentenced to sixty (60) days of executed time, you will actually serve (30) days. In other words, you will serve one-half (1/2) of your executed sentence.
Class B All other felonies, unless credit restricted felon. One day of credit for every three days imprisoned or con1ned while awaiting trial. If you are sentenced to sixty (60) days of executed time, you will actually serve forty-five (45) days. In other words, you will serve three-quarters (3/4) of your sentence.
Class C Credit Restricted Felons One day of credit for every six days imprisoned or con1ned while awaiting trial. If you are sentenced to fifty (56) days of executed time, you will actually serve forty-nine (49) days. In other words, you will serve six-sevenths (6/7) of your sentence.
Class D Individuals found to have violated a rule of correctional facility during imprisonment. No good time credit. You must serve every day of your executed sentence.
Class P Individuals released on pre-trial home detention while awaiting trial. One day of credit for every four days spend on pre-trial home detention awaiting trial. If you spend forty-eight (48) actual days on pre-trial home detention, you will receive credit for sixty (60) days towards any portion of your executed sentence.

Probation (Suspended Sentence)

The Court will often suspend some or all of your sentence and place you on probation for the remainder of your sentence. The conditions of probation will vary from case to case, but may include requirements such as periodic appointments with a probation officer, community service, random drug testing, or attendance at a drug rehabilitation program.

You will not receive credit time (i.e., good time credit) while on probation. Unless modi1ed, you must successfully complete the entire term of probation. If you violate the conditions of probation at any time during the term of probation, the judge may do any of the following regardless of how many days are left on the term of your probation:

  • Place you back on probation.
  • Extend your probation term for up to one (1) year.
  • Order the execution of all or part of the portion of your suspended sentence.
  • Modify the conditions of your probation.